Saturday, 26 May 2012


If you cannot see the bright side of life, there is 
nothing to do but keep polishing the dull side.

Nature does her best to teach us. The more we
overeat, the harder she makes it for us to get
close to the table.

The test of courage comes when we are in the minority.
The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.

If you want a spouse who is smart, rich and devoted,
you are going to have to get married three times.

I believe there is something out there watching us.
Unfortunately, it is the government.

There is only one thing worse then the flu season ...
the tax season. You can recover from the flu.

The easiest way to make your old car run better is to
check the prices of a new car.

Save a little money each month and at the end of the
year, you will be surprised at how little you have.

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

Money can't buy happiness. But it sure makes misery
easier to live with.

Nothing in the known universe travels faster than
a bad check.

Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by moving
from where you left them to where you can't find them.

The trouble with doing something right the first time
is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was.

It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to
serve as warning to others.

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence
that you tried.

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of

Experience is something you don't get until just
after you need it.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite

Success always occurs in private, and failure in full

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to
steal from many is research.

You never really learn to swear until you learn to

The sooner you fall behind, the more time you'll
have to catch up.

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad

If you must choose between two evils, pick the
one you've never tried before.

Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays
off now.

Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect
it back.

Wealthy people miss one of life's greatest thrills . . .
Making the last car payment.

The trouble with Sunday drivers is, they don't drive
any better during the week.


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